I've been in kind of a rut lately and have been unable to lose my last 8 lbs. Seriously, I get on the scale week after week and the number remains the same. It's very discouraging! Especially since I gave up any and ALL sugary treats last week. No more candy, no more baked goods, weight watchers treats, soy ice cream, not even fruit juice. Strictly water and regular food.
Last night I decided that I wanted to do an experiment with my body. I was going to eat only fruit all day long and see if that helped me at all. When I actually sat down to plan it out I discovered that I don't have a wide enough variety of fresh fruit at home to make a fruit day doable so I decided a smoothie day would be a great alternative. I have 3 big bags of frozen organic fruit down stairs that on the bag say things like "Just as healthy as fresh fruit" and "Nutritious Immunity Blend" on them. Perfect!!
So this blog post is going to be all about what I ate all day long (with recipes), the products I used and how many calories each meal/snack had. I will also blog my feelings along the way in hopes that if this experiment actually works to jump start my body and get me out of this weight loss plateau, that others who read my blog can take the information and help themselves as well! I will also blog my workout for today just because I feel really awesome that I made it through the whole thing! lol
In order to do a smoothie day I had to have a couple of additives, but don't worry, they're healthy additives and there are only three. (When I say additives I mean things besides fruit. Asterix denotes non-fruit additives)
I also plan on drinking tons of water throughout the day, at the least about 3 liters, more than likely more.

BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE (7:45am, 105 cals)
Taken with two superfood capsules, a B vitamin complex, 2 comfortone capsules, 2 cinnamon capsules, a joint support supplement, a calcium magnesium potassium supplement, and a vitamin C.
1 cup organic frozen Mango and Pineapple chunks (70 calories)
*1/2 cup light original organic Soymilk (35 calories)
*1 pkt Stevia in the Raw® (0 calories)
Blended all together in my Ninja Blender (my new favorite kitchen gadget) for about a minute and enjoyed in a glass.
After this smoothie I was feeling pretty good, so I went to the gym and it sustained me through my workout. I made sure to drink plenty of water and added my
Slique Essence® to my water bottle before I started my workout.
WORKOUT (Burned 400 calories)
10 forward lunges (each side) holding a 10 lb dumbell in each hand
plie jumps (click to see what these are)
10 reverse lunges (each side) holding a 10 lb dumbell in each hand
squat jumps (click to see what these are)
10 step ups (each side), step should be at least 1 foot off the ground
10 standing front leg lifts (each side)
single leg bridges (click to see what these are)
10 standing side leg lifts (each side)
10x10 wall sit (100 seconds, 1:40)
Rest one minute then repeat this cycle one time.
10 pushups (feet elevated)
24 biceps burners, 8 full curls-8 half curls-8 full curls, with 8 lb dumbells
15 overhead shoulder presses, with 8 lb dumbells
10 pushups (feet elevated)
15 tricep dips
15 bent over back rows, with 10 lb dumbells
15 lateral raises (arms fully strait and extend up/out to the side to shoulder height)
10 pushups (feet elevated)
15 tricep kick backs, with 5 lb dumbells
20 tricep pulses (stand leaning slightly forward, arms strait and pulse arms back)
Rest one minute and repeat this cycle one time. The second time I did this my feet were not elevated on the pushups.
Run 2 miles in intervals of 2 minutes. 2 minutes at 3.5, 2 minutes at 6.5, repeat till desired mile marker is reached.
I was completely exhausted after this as you can imagine, so I picked up my kids from the gym daycare and went home to make another smoothie.
POST WORKOUT SMOOTHIE (10:30am, 275 cals)
Taken with 2 superfood capsules.
*1 cup light original organic soymilk (70 calories)
2/3 cup frozen mango chunks (60 calories)
1/2 cup frozen strawberry slices (25 calories)
*2 pkts Stevia in the Raw® (0 calories)
*1 scoop Vanilla protein powder (120 calories)
This smoothie was delicious and totally filled me.
I'm feeling pretty good at this point even though I've had no gluten or filler foods all day (like I normally do) and it's 11am right now. I'm going to shower and clean my house and see how I feel around lunch.
LUNCH (1pm, 155 cals)
Taken with 2 superfood capsules.
1 cup frozen strawberries (50 calories)
3/4 cup light original organic soymilk (53 calories)
1/2 of a banana ( 52 calories)
Delicious, of course, as usual! Enjoyed it outside while my kid's played on their tire swing and mini trampoline. They kept sneaking sips from me, too. Little stinkers :)
I had to have a snack after a few hours because I knew I wouldn't make it to dinner without feeling very hungry.
SNACK (3:30pm, 126 cals)
1 apple, sliced, with peel (126 calories)
The other half of the Strawberry Banana Smoothie's Banana
(52 calories)
This is where it got hard! I made breakfast for dinner, consisting of bacon, eggs, and biscuits. I did this so that it wouldn't be too tempting for me to steer away from my diet of the day. Ya, that didn't happen! I was very tempted to grab a plate full of eggs and scarf them down, but I held steadfast and didn't have a single bite. Makes me feel very proud of my ability to control myself.
DINNER (6pm, about 225 cals)
Taken with two superfood capsules.
Homemade Strawberry sorbet made by and shared with my husband, yes be jealous!
2.5 cups frozen mixed fruit (175 calories)
1.5 cups light vanilla organic soymilk (120 calories)
3 pkts of Stevia in the Raw® (0 calories)
1/3 of a banana (35 calories)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (120 calories)
Mix all together for several minutes in your blender, spoon into a bowl and enjoy. Makes two full bowl servings.
DESSERT (7pm, about 52 cals)
1 Lg handfull frozen grapes (about 52 calories)
I went to bed without feeling hungry or run down, and that really surprised me. I had thoughts in my head of how it would feel to live on fruit and soymilk for a day, and I was thinking it would be a lot harder than it was. With the exception of dinner, it was actually pretty easy and enjoyable.
I consumed about 980 calories today (give or take 10-15 or so), which is well below the recommended amount that you should take in daily to live (and below what I normally eat which is around 1300-1500), but I'm perfectly fine and wasn't hungry. I got all the nutrients I needed to live, workout, play with my kids and do all the other things I did that day.
Side effects? There was only one that I can think of and, at the risk of over-sharing I will let you know that I was in the bathroom peeing about every 20-30 minutes. It was ridiculous. Besides that, there wasn't anything else that wasn't great about doing this.
The next morning I got up and stepped on the scale after going to the bathroom, crossing my fingers that I'd had some positive results from all my hard work.
2.6 pounds down people!! In one day!! What a success! My heart was soaring and I was very pleased with how things went. The fact that I got to go to the gym soon after that and do my all time favorite workout (Viva La Zumba!) made it seem so much better. What a great morning!!
In addition to my smoothie only day I decided to go gluten free today (the day after the smoothie day) just to see if that would help keep the pounds off after I started eating regular food again. I also plan on lowering my normal gluten intake for good, and trying to make better snacking decisions from now on.
If ANYONE has any questions or comments I would love to hear your feedback or help if I can.
*As a side note I would just like to add that only drinking smoothies or eating fruit for a full day is not for everyone. I would not recommend this diet for pregnant or nursing women or men who labor at work and workout heavily during the day. If you suffer from a chronic disease such a diabetes or a problem like hypoglycemia I would do some research on the effects that this would have on those types of conditions, or consult with your doctor before starting. It might also be a good idea to research the vitamins you take as well. I take/mentioned what is right for my body and you should do the same for yours.