
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

CopyCat Recipe - McDonald's Caramel Apple Parfait

I was on a play date at McDonald's the other day with my girls, and some of my girlfriends from the gym and their kiddos. We go there for the play place when it's too cold to visit the park.

I decided that I would act healthy in front of my friends and I ordered a sort-of-healthy-but-not-really-that-healthy Caramel Apple Parfait for my snack. I'd never had it before and thought it sounded good.

Can we say "New favorite snack?"

So I looked it up on McDonald' for the nutritional info and what was in it... turns out it's just low fat vanilla yogurt with diced red apples and caramel sauce. So simple. So I took home the cup it was in for measurement purposes and bought all the ingredients to make my own at home.

And here it is, incase you need to know how. Simple, easy, yummy, and slightly healthy. At least it only has 180 calories ;-)

You just need low fat vanilla yogurt, any brand, a red apple, any kind, and caramel sauce. Hershey's made that part convenient!

Slice the apple as you normally would and leave out one slice. Cut it into small chunks. Put the apple together and put a rubber band around it. This keeps it from getting brown in the fridge. Learned that little trick on Pinterest. Who knew?

Sprinkle your diced apples on top of the yogurt in your cup. (about 8 oz of yogurt) Drizzle a small amount of caramel sauce on top of it all. (I got a little excited so I put too much. Won't happen again! lol

And there ya have it! One caramel apple parfait, comin' right up!

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