
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bake Sale Donation

My daughter (kindergartener) attends a charter school that we just love. Last month they had a bake sale to raise money for new sports and PE equipment and I signed up to donate a cookie platter.

Using this recipe I chose 3 flavors and made up this platter. I was so pleased with the way it turned out that I just had to share.

The bake sale ended up being cancelled, but the elementary director bought it from me and donated the money to the school and just used it for a staff meeting instead. She said the cookies were a delicious hit and to feel free to donate another platter anytime!

In my it's-almost-valentine's-day mood I chose Strawberry, Lemon, and Cherry Chip. (which were all delicious)

I put all the cookies in rows on a clear platter from Dollar Tree, added a package of little plates and napkins...

and tied a big tulle bow around the whole thing.

Turned out great, right? Love it :)


  1. They look great!

    I'm a new follower.
    Your recipes look great!

  2. Great to have you! Thanks for the follow :)
